When I was 18, I was fast.
By 22, school was finished, and I started working full throttle.
At 26, I constantly juggled between parties, work, responsibilities, and sleep.
When I reached 30, I felt a slowdown but ignored it.
At 32, I got married, and my responsibilities increased.
Now, at 38, life is harder than before, but somehow easier at the same time, while I continue to feel that “slow down” deeply. I even accept the reality that being a "Millennial" also brings a bit of "back pain." But when I was 36, I had a realization. As life was speeding by, there came a moment when I had to stop and listen to my body. I found myself in the hospital where I spent a considerable amount of time until I was convinced that nothing was wrong.
As someone who constantly shops and sees it as a way to process stress, I came across Vivoo while browsing online. I was searching for “How can I feel better?” and “What can I buy for better health?”.
At first, I didn't believe in it because as someone who never found drinking water to be “cool” in the past, it didn't seem logical that water could fix anything. Still, I placed the order—after all, I was buying so much stuff anyway and it was worth trying.

By the way, while placing this order, I also bought one for my husband who is much more interested, knowledgeable, and professionally involved in scientific matters than I am. Instead of getting a subscription, I ordered two one-time-only kits because I still had questions in my mind about the product.
The product arrived, and we tried it. My husband showed more interest than I did, while I was wrestling with anxiety over my 6.8 score. Perhaps I had found the answer to my muscle pain and poor sleep quality, but facing it wasn't exactly pleasant.
After the first week's result, I doubled my water intake, and voila! I managed to get a score of 7.6. Throughout this process, in my doctor's appointments and routine check-ups, we also noticed that I had lost about 1.5 kg. In short, I had started to listen to my body, albeit half-heartedly. However, something was still missing; I couldn't discipline myself. Every time I logged into the app, I started to obsess over "How can I get my score to 9.5?" This turned into a weird challenge with me. It might sound overwhelming as you read this but it really wasn't... I started to enjoy it and slowly let go of my old (and useless) habits.

My interaction with the product, by the way, was once a week, on the same day, at the same time. I hadn't yet formed an emotional connection to it. While these thoughts were swirling in my head, I had used up my four strips and had to make a decision. "Should I commit to a longer plan? Or continue buying single packages?" Since my husband was using the product too, it was a tough call.
In the end, I decided to go for a 12-month subscription. This would, of course, last 6 months in our household because my husband was also using Vivoo. And we started a bet on who would get the highest score. (The winner at the end of the year was my husband, but whatever...)
After two years, I hit a score of 9.7, but if you ask me how I did it, explaining the impact Vivoo had on my life, with a phone in one hand and a strip in the other, dedicating at least 4-5 minutes every day, would take much longer.
If I had to give more detail: the 10 kg I lost over two years, breaking free from packaged food, giving up fizzy drinks, getting my eating habits in order... and entering 38 with better, glowing skin, just when I was about to book my botox appointment!

I think I'll need more time to tell the rest of this story, and I realize that I need to get into more detail if I'm going to continue this letter I'm writing to the brand. If the brand reads this email and is curious about the rest, I won't hesitate to write more. And if the brand happens to publish this email somewhere, I know it will motivate me even more.
Now, I'm heading to the bathroom to complete my weekly routine. 9.9 will be mine sooner or later!