Vivoo Protein Box

Vivoo Protein Box

Vivoo's protein box analyzes the presence of protein in your urine.


Albumin is the most abundant type of protein that is synthesized by the liver and found in the blood. It has an important role in regulating the exchange that takes place between organs and tissues through the blood.

Albumin constitutes approximately 60% of the protein in blood and is also found in fluids in body tissues and in blood circulation. In other words, albumin is a type of protein found in the body's blood, muscles, skin, tears, and bile.

Normally, albumin does not appear in the urine, but it may appear in the urine in some unusual situations.

How Can You Test Protein in Urine with Vivoo?

Vivoo’s at-home urine test strips offer a convenient, straightforward, and fuss-free way for you to check on your urinary protein levels anytime and anywhere. Our protein parameter measures your urinary protein. Fluctuations in urinary protein levels are usually not a cause for concern, as they may be temporary a results of exercise or dehydration.

Certain situations could also cause a temporary increase in your urinary protein levels, including:

  •   Extreme temperatures (hot or cold)
  •   Emotional stress

These situations can temporarily alter the functioning of the kidneys and result in protein in the urine. However, your urine should return to normal once these situations have been resolved.

How to Evaluate Possible Results?

Here’s how to interpret your Vivoo test results:

  • Score: 10/10
  • Label: Great
  • Value: 5, 5.5 and 6 pH

If you receive a "great" result, it means that your body is in good condition. That said, you should still be mindful of maintaining a great protein level, and should still check your protein values regularly.

  • Score: 8/10 to 6/10
  • Label: Moderate
  • Value: 25 to 150 mg/dL Protein

If you receive a "moderate" result, it means that your urine contains small amounts of protein. Protein in the urine may occasionally occur in healthy people due to stress, exercise, medication, or exposure to cold. If any of these situations apply to you, use Vivoo to analyze your urine again once these situations have resolved to see if the protein is still present in your urine. Note that lifestyle changes can help normalize protein levels.

  • Score: 8/10 to 6/10
  • Label: Weak
  • Value: >150 mg/dL Protein

If you receive a "weak" result, it means that your urine contains high concentrations of protein. 

If you receive a “moderate” and/or “weak” test result, you might consider adopting the following lifestyle changes to prevent greater protein levels in urine:

  • Eat a healthy diet
  • Drink enough fluids
  • Lose weight
  • Exercise
  • Quit smoking
  • Avoid certain pain relievers

What are the Normal Protein Levels in Urine?

Under normal circumstances, the presence of protein in urine isn't expected. However, in certain non-life-threatening situations, like dehydration or exposure to extreme temperatures (hot or cold), the level of protein in your urine can increase. These are temporary conditions and are expected to return to normal once the situation resolves. You can regularly monitor the protein in your urine using Vivoo urine tests. They will guide you in this matter.

When Should You Test Your Protein?

Protein levels in urine may fluctuate due to various non-life-threatening factors such as dehydration or exposure to extreme temperatures (hot or cold).

Regular monitoring using Vivoo's urine tests during these instances will offer guidance and insight into fluctuations, allowing you to check your body's response and ensure a more accurate assessment of protein levels.

On the other hand, you can use Vivoo tests at any moment when you want to monitor your wellness.

These variables all have the potential to generate protein in the urine. If the underlying cause of protein in urine is eliminated, then urine should return to normal. Even if you aren't aware of it, stress symptoms can have a negative effect on the body! [6].

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Table of Contents

How Can You Test Protein in Urine with Vivoo?

How to Evaluate Possible Results?

What are the Normal Protein Levels in Urine?

When Should You Test Your Protein?

Frequently Asked Question


What causes protein in urine?

The kidneys filter out harmful substances found in the blood, and excrete these substances through urine. Protein is not a harmful substance, so you typically wouldn’t expect to detect protein in your urine.

However, there are some situations where protein might be detected in your urine, such as when you are dehydrated, engage in strenuous exercise, and when you experience emotional stress.

How serious is protein in urine?

Having some protein in your urine once in a while may not be a big deal. Because being under temporary conditions such as stress and dehydration can cause protein to appear in the urine. This is like a signal to take a look at your circumstances.

However, if it occurs frequently at persistently high levels, it may be good to evaluate it with a healthcare professional.

*Vivoo does not make any diagnosis with protein parameters. It simply evaluates the body's overall well-being and offers healthy living suggestions on managing the conditions.

Can drinking more water help with protein in urine?

Dehydration is one factor that can lead to temporary increases in urine protein levels, so increasing water intake may be beneficial in such cases. However, it's essential to note that elevated protein levels can be influenced by factors other than dehydration. In instances where multiple factors are involved, simply increasing water intake may not directly impact protein levels.

Can your diet cause protein in urine?

Eating too much protein, especially from animal sources like meat, eggs, and dairy, can sometimes strain your kidneys and make them release protein into your urine. Not drinking enough water or consuming too much salt can also affect your kidneys and cause protein to show up in your urine.

Even though this condition stems from high in certain nutrients in the diet and is temporary, consuming a balanced meal at all times will remain crucial.

What conditions cause protein in urine?

Some conditions can induce a brief rise in protein content in the urine, such as:

  • High temperatures (hot or cold)

  • Emotional stress

  • Fever

  • Dehydration : Dehydration happens when your body loses an abnormally large amount of water [5]. It is a common and temporary cause of high protein content in the urine. Your body uses water to transfer nutrients such as proteins to your kidneys. It will struggle to transfer nutrients if there is inadequate water.


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  5. Popkin, B. M., D'Anci, K. E., & Rosenberg, I. H. (2010). Water, hydration, and health. Nutrition reviews, 68(8), 439–458.
  6. Haider MZ, Aslam A. Proteinuria. [Updated 2022 Apr 30]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan-. Available from: