Vivoo Insider Talks with Iraz

4 minutes

Vivoo Insider Talks with Iraz

Vivoo Editor

1) Can you introduce yourself in a few sentences?

Hi! I’m Iraz, a 30 year old wellness addict. For 5 years, I’ve worked in a range of roles in customer relations management (CRM), user retention, and customer analytics. On the side, I’m also a part time yoga teacher! I generally think that being able to do a lot of different things at once is the best way to live life, so I try to apply this principle in my life as much as I can.

2) What do you do at Vivoo, and how long have you been with the company? What do you like about Vivoo?

I’m a CRM Manager at Vivoo, and lead our customer retention marketing & customer happiness team. I’ve been working here now for a little over a year. I love Vivoo’s mission to spread wellness and make it accessible for everyone, and this mission motivates me at work. 

3) Can you describe your daily routine? 

On the weekdays, I teach wake-up yoga in the morning twice a week. These classes finish half an hour before I start work. During that half an hour, I generally try to sit and do nothing (a kind of meditation) so that I prepare my mind to stay calm in the hustle and bustle of the day. This helps me get focused before I start work. I also generally eat a really good breakfast, and prepare a more practical and quick meal for lunch. I try to cook for myself as much as possible so that I feel good. At work, I work with a variety of different teams that all make Vivoo happen, whether it be the brand marketing team, dietitians, or IT. Communication is really important for me, so before I begin any meeting, I ask others in the meeting how they’re feeling so that I can understand where they are mentally and emotionally and be a better team player. After work, I go to cardio or yoga classes with my friends. At night, I write in my journal before I sleep. I am not a fan of TV series, so I try to reserve more time at night to work on my emotions or read a book. 

4) What’s a favorite wellness routine that you’ve been into these days?

Yoga, of course! These days, I’m also trying to do face yoga before I sleep.

5) What is one tip you would give to someone who wants to start leading a healthier lifestyle?

Don’t forget that it’s all about mindset. Wellness starts in your mind. And it’s also important to not change everything in your routine at once. Taking baby steps is important for achieving any goal. 

6) What is your favorite thing about Vivoo as a product? 

Vivoo has a great vision for the future of wellness, and I’m always impressed by the science behind Vivoo. Vivoo is one step ahead in changing and adapting to the technology of tomorrow. I also think it’s great that you can understand your body’s needs all from the comfort of home. 

7) How regularly do you test with Vivoo? 

I take Vivoo tests more than once a week. 

8) How do you generally score on your Vivoo test? What is your top score to date? 

My top score to date is 8.7. My score is really impacted by the things I eat, so I find that it is better to test in the morning, as recommended by our Research and Development team. 

9) We know that you love all the wellness parameters on the Vivoo test. :) But which one is your favorite and why? 

Mine is Vitamin C. I generally don’t get sick often or on a regular basis, but every year around winter, I usually get a serious cold that takes me out of commission for a whole week. I’m certain that this is related to my vitamin C intake, so I like that I can stay one step of getting sick with the vitamin C parameter. 

10) What is the greatest source of motivation that keeps you testing with Vivoo? 

The personalized nutritional advice I get after testing helps motivate me because it gives great perspective on my nutrition. With this advice, I’m more aware of which foods I should be eating, and am better able to address areas of my wellness where my body is weak.  

Related: Vivoo Insider Talks with Melda

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