Vivoo Wellness Talks: Interview with Beloved Vivooer Lindsay

3 minutes

Vivoo Wellness Talks: Interview with Beloved Vivooer Lindsay

Vivoo Editor

We’ve been in touch with one of our Vivooers, Lindsay, for some time now. That’s why we thought we’d meet up with her to learn more about her journey and get her tips on a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

1. Tell us about yourself and what you do.

Hey! My name is Lindsay. I work full-time, have one husband, one daughter, one cat, and two dogs. I work out every day and also like to run, walk, and do a lot of hobbies (like pottery, crocheting, and baking).

2. What does a typical day look like for you in terms of investing in your wellness?

I typically work out with weights in the morning and then run or walk at lunch. Then another walk with my family after dinner. I eat often during the day to ensure I'm always fueling myself appropriately to the amount of training I plan to do.

3. How do you feel about your current state of health and wellness? What are the tools you use to stay on track with your wellness? 

I weigh myself often with a Withings scale, which allows me to see a full intake of my body. I also do Vivoo tests weekly and make sure I drink a LOT of water throughout the day. I don't drink caffeine of any kind and predominantly eat very healthily.

4. What made you decide to use some of those tools? 

I'm 42 years old and I felt "going with my gut" on nutrition and my body shouldn't be how I progress. I also don't think we do enough as far as preventative care goes, so I want to be as informed as I can be about my body at all times.

5. How did you come across Vivoo? What was your first impression? 

I believe it was an ad in my FB feed. My first impression was that it didn't work well since I scored a ten on all the categories. But after I saw some fluctuations week to week, I knew it was actually something I could rely upon.

6. How has Vivoo contributed to your overall wellness, which feature is your favorite? 

It definitely lets me know when I've had too much water (which I didn't really know was a thing).

7. Do you find Vivoo convenient to integrate into your daily life? Do you think Vivoo is user-friendly? 

Most definitely, it’s a convenient wellness tracker. It's not difficult and takes what...two whole minutes of my day at the comfort of my home.

8. Now that you have Vivoo, what's the #1 thing you're able to do that you weren't before? 

In the beginning, Vivoo offered me many opportunities to know more specifics about my body. In particular, I can see my measurements for my ketones and white blood cells which have made me more curious to keep track of my body. Knowing the specifics of my ketones and white blood cells is a huge added benefit.

9. Besides Vivoo, what is your best-kept wellness secret? 

Consistency is the most remarkable issue when you seek your wellness. It's much easier to maintain your progress and prevent any give-ups and play catch-up!

10. What’s your top advice for your friends who are looking to start a healthier lifestyle? Would you recommend Vivoo?

I would absolutely recommend Vivoo. I think the key is to do little things that give small progress. Changing by the inch is a cinch, changing by the yard is hard. :)


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