How Often Should You Test for Protein in Urine at Home?

5 minutes

How Often Should You Test for Protein in Urine at Home?

Vivoo Editor

Protein in urine, also known as proteinuria, is a common indication of kidney disease or dysfunction. A urine protein test determines the quantity of protein in the urine. Protein is not found in substantial amounts in the urine of healthy persons. When the kidneys aren't performing correctly or when large quantities of specific proteins are present in the circulation, protein may be discharged in the urine. 

In the past, detecting protein in urine required a trip to the doctor's office for a urine test. Your doctor may collect a protein urine test as a one-time sample or every time you pee in a 24-hour period. 

However, with the advent of home test kits, it is now possible to easily and conveniently test for protein in urine in the comfort of one's own home. These kits typically involve collecting a urine sample and then using a dipstick or other device to test for the presence of protein. This allows individuals to detect potential kidney issues early and seek appropriate medical attention.

How do you prepare for the test?

It is critical that your doctor be aware of any drugs you are presently taking, including OTC and prescription medications. Because some drugs might impact the amount of protein in your urine, your doctor may advise you to discontinue or adjust your prescription before the test. 

It is critical that you be well-hydrated before providing your urine sample. This makes it simpler to collect the urine sample and reduces dehydration, which may impact test findings. 

Avoid vigorous activity in the days leading up to your test, since this might influence the quantity of protein in your urine. You should also wait at least three days following a radioactive test that employed contrast dye before conducting a urine protein test. The contrast dye used in the test is released in your urine and may interfere with the findings. 

What is the purpose of the protein in urine test? 

A protein in urine test is often part of a urinalysis, which measures various cells, molecules, and compounds in your urine. Urinalysis is performed to evaluate your overall wellness. This test may also be used to identify or check renal disease and a variety of other health issues. 

How to take a urine protein test?

One method for testing protein in urine is to take a random, one-time sample. This is also known as a dipstick test. You may provide your sample in a doctor's office, a medical laboratory, or at home. 

Urinate into the toilet for a few seconds. Stop the urine flow, place the collection cup underneath you, and begin collecting pee midstream. Allowing the container to come into contact with your body may contaminate the sample. Generally, you should collect 2 ounces of urine. 

Continue urinating into the toilet once you've completed collecting the midstream sample. Replace the container's cap and follow the directions for returning it to your doctor or medical laboratory. Place the sample in the refrigerator if you are unable to return it within one hour after collecting it. 

What is the 24-hour urine protein test?

The 24-hour urine protein test is a diagnostic tool used to measure the amount of protein present in a person's urine over a 24-hour period. This test is typically used to detect and check kidney disease, as protein in the urine can be an early sign of damage to the kidneys. 

The test is performed by collecting all of a person's urine over a 24-hour period and then measuring the amount of protein present in the sample. The results of the test are usually reported in terms of milligrams of protein per day. If a person's test results show a high level of protein in the urine, further testing and treatment may be necessary to determine the cause and prevent further damage to the kidneys.

Is it necessary to wait 24 hours? 

If there was protein in your one-time urine sample, your doctor may recommend a 24-hour collection. You will be given a big collecting container and numerous cleaning wipes for this test. 

Collect all of your pee in the collection cup for the following 24 hours. Before peeing, wipe around your urethra and avoid touching your genitals with the collecting cup. Between collections, keep the sample in the refrigerator. When the 24-hour deadline has expired, follow the instructions for returning the sample that was sent to you. 

Is there another way to test for proteins in urine at home?

Did you know that you can regularly check your protein levels in urine in the comfort of your home? Meet Vivoo! Vivoo is an at-home urine test that works alongside an App to give you real-time body data on 9 wellness parameters like protein, vitamin C, calcium and so much more. 

Vivoo gives personalized nutritional and lifestyle advice that you can easily incorporate into your daily life so you can improve your low-scoring parameters. 

What do the protein results mean?

A high level of protein in your urine sample does not necessarily indicate that you have a medical condition that requires treatment. Urine protein levels may temporarily increase due to strenuous activity, dehydration, nutrition, stress, pregnancy, and other factors. 

Other urinalysis tests may be recommended by your clinician to see if you continue to have a high quantity of protein in your urine over time. If your urine protein level stays elevated, it is most likely a symptom of renal disease or kidney damage caused by other illnesses. 

The quantity of protein in your urine can be related to the severity of your kidney injury. However, further testing will be required to determine what is causing the harm. Speak with your health provider to find out what your findings signify. 

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